No. Jmail is not responsible for returned letters. It is up to you to make sure you provide the correct address for the person receiving the letter as well as follow all mailing rules and guidelines set forth by the institution the inmate is located in.
Jmail is not responsible for letters returned due to inmates being moved to other prisons, undeliverable mail, or mail not delivered during prison lockdowns.
Your payment for your letter covers the initial mailing only. If your letter is rejected or returned, we will work with you to get the letter re-sent for you, minus any contraband items that could have caused the rejection.
No. Jmail is not responsible for returned letters. It is up to you to make sure you provide the correct address for the person receiving the letter as well as follow all mailing rules and guidelines set forth by the institution the inmate is located in.
Jmail is not responsible for letters returned due to inmates being moved to other prisons, undeliverable mail, or mail not delivered during prison lockdowns.
Your payment for your letter covers the initial mailing only. If your letter is rejected or returned, we will work with you to get the letter re-sent for you, minus any contraband items that could have caused the rejection.